Peace:) Peace is just something that we all expect to have on that day. I think that peace is just a special word for relaxation for everybody. It's a day that we spend time with our families and with people that we haven't seen for a long time, or somebody you haven't seen since, Yesterday[: But also, the quiet time you have after all the commotion and chaotic events that happened. No kind of drama that ever happened. We all know that Christmas is the most OMG day. (: It's just a day of no rest. But, when you do get rest, that's peace. So yeah, that's what I think peace means.
Joy:) Let's see, I think joy is the most complicated emotion to have. Trying to please somebody of that gift and present, you just want to see them with the Joyful face. I think joy comes from children the most because the moment they get their gifts and what they wanted, they have that feeling inside them and they just love it. Gift of giving is another thing with joy. You should have a joyful heart when you give to somebody or giving to those in needy. It's the most important. And yeah...[:
And last but not least::
Love:) Well, we have the most important word. Love is just something that goes around on this day. Christmas is all about love. Without love, we wouldn't have peace or joy. All around there is love. Love can come from a present, from just saying it, or just being there for that special somebody... Giving and having love is most important in our lives. Having that fellowship time with your family and friends, it just gots Love written all over. You can give love with a kiss or a hug. I prefer to hug thank you very much... lol... but yeah... It's what I think is the coolest and SOOPER IMPORTANT element of Christmas and of our lives.
AND SOO,, that's pretty much it what i have to say. Christmas is prettyy cool... hahahaha...[: OKAY, WELL EVERYBODY HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMASS AND HAPPY NEW YEARR!!!!<333> luusseeyy ceeyyhh(:
About Me

- Helllooo[: Well, first my name is Lucy Mahalkita Contreras... I am just another person in america just going through life and love to just hang out. Soo yeah<333 Thanks and have a nice day<333