I'm not really going to say all the things I'm afraid of, But there is one that gets me all the time. One of my biggest fears is getting a baby.
Being a girl is not an easy task. I know I'm older now, and I can get a chance of having a child. But it is not a good age to get one, and that's not my point. My point is, I don't know if I'll be ever ready to take that one step in life to hold a living thing inside of me. I know it's a huge responsibility to take. It's something that I don't think I want to happen, and not to deal with it any time soon. =l ... There will be a good thing that will happen out of it and it's the fact that you brought another human being in this world.
That's my greatest fear ever and hoping it won't ever happen. =I
About Me

- Helllooo[: Well, first my name is Lucy Mahalkita Contreras... I am just another person in america just going through life and love to just hang out. Soo yeah<333 Thanks and have a nice day<333