This is just a summary of what happened on this date. LOL...
First of all, it was school(GRRR:). After school was the party. HAHAHA!!
So, it all started out with all our goodbyes, hugs, and kisses for the weekend. It was meeh and all my other Kuyas and adiings(brothers and sisters). We planned to go to Kent Station and hang out. So, we went and made so many pictures and videos on my adiing, jojo's camera and just having a good time. We went on a mini carousel and everyting. We had a blast. Then, we went to the movies. We went and saw MADAGASCAR 2. It was really funny and it was good a movie. We then just chilled around the courtyard of Kent Station making some more pictures and videos. Then at about 7:00, we were all going to say our goodbyes to each other and go to our warm homes. As we were waiting at the bus stop, my other adiing, just hooked up wit my new kuya in law. So, they hooked up at this date, at 7:18PM. It was so awesome. I was there when the magic happened. Whew, I'm just so happy because they are happy. We all then just waited for our parents to pick us up and go home. That was our little party before the weekend. It was very fun and hope to do it again soon.
That was pretty much my weekend. Saturday and Sunday was just restful days and homework done. Thank yous for reading,
About Me

- Helllooo[: Well, first my name is Lucy Mahalkita Contreras... I am just another person in america just going through life and love to just hang out. Soo yeah<333 Thanks and have a nice day<333