Peace:) Peace is just something that we all expect to have on that day. I think that peace is just a special word for relaxation for everybody. It's a day that we spend time with our families and with people that we haven't seen for a long time, or somebody you haven't seen since, Yesterday[: But also, the quiet time you have after all the commotion and chaotic events that happened. No kind of drama that ever happened. We all know that Christmas is the most OMG day. (: It's just a day of no rest. But, when you do get rest, that's peace. So yeah, that's what I think peace means.
Joy:) Let's see, I think joy is the most complicated emotion to have. Trying to please somebody of that gift and present, you just want to see them with the Joyful face. I think joy comes from children the most because the moment they get their gifts and what they wanted, they have that feeling inside them and they just love it. Gift of giving is another thing with joy. You should have a joyful heart when you give to somebody or giving to those in needy. It's the most important. And yeah...[:
And last but not least::
Love:) Well, we have the most important word. Love is just something that goes around on this day. Christmas is all about love. Without love, we wouldn't have peace or joy. All around there is love. Love can come from a present, from just saying it, or just being there for that special somebody... Giving and having love is most important in our lives. Having that fellowship time with your family and friends, it just gots Love written all over. You can give love with a kiss or a hug. I prefer to hug thank you very much... lol... but yeah... It's what I think is the coolest and SOOPER IMPORTANT element of Christmas and of our lives.
AND SOO,, that's pretty much it what i have to say. Christmas is prettyy cool... hahahaha...[: OKAY, WELL EVERYBODY HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMASS AND HAPPY NEW YEARR!!!!<333> luusseeyy ceeyyhh(:
About Me

- Helllooo[: Well, first my name is Lucy Mahalkita Contreras... I am just another person in america just going through life and love to just hang out. Soo yeah<333 Thanks and have a nice day<333
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
OMG... Is it still snowing??? I just can't believe it. It's been snowing since 11:30ish in the morning, and the snowflakes are massive. I mean WOW!!! lol, but anyways, IT'S WINTER BREAK!!! [: Can you believe that it's almost the end of the year already??? Super fast man... But yeah, it's been a wonderful year and I loved it. Well, I'm going to go for now. HAPPY WINTER!!!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
This is just a summary of what happened on this date. LOL...
First of all, it was school(GRRR:). After school was the party. HAHAHA!!
So, it all started out with all our goodbyes, hugs, and kisses for the weekend. It was meeh and all my other Kuyas and adiings(brothers and sisters). We planned to go to Kent Station and hang out. So, we went and made so many pictures and videos on my adiing, jojo's camera and just having a good time. We went on a mini carousel and everyting. We had a blast. Then, we went to the movies. We went and saw MADAGASCAR 2. It was really funny and it was good a movie. We then just chilled around the courtyard of Kent Station making some more pictures and videos. Then at about 7:00, we were all going to say our goodbyes to each other and go to our warm homes. As we were waiting at the bus stop, my other adiing, just hooked up wit my new kuya in law. So, they hooked up at this date, at 7:18PM. It was so awesome. I was there when the magic happened. Whew, I'm just so happy because they are happy. We all then just waited for our parents to pick us up and go home. That was our little party before the weekend. It was very fun and hope to do it again soon.
That was pretty much my weekend. Saturday and Sunday was just restful days and homework done. Thank yous for reading,
First of all, it was school(GRRR:). After school was the party. HAHAHA!!
So, it all started out with all our goodbyes, hugs, and kisses for the weekend. It was meeh and all my other Kuyas and adiings(brothers and sisters). We planned to go to Kent Station and hang out. So, we went and made so many pictures and videos on my adiing, jojo's camera and just having a good time. We went on a mini carousel and everyting. We had a blast. Then, we went to the movies. We went and saw MADAGASCAR 2. It was really funny and it was good a movie. We then just chilled around the courtyard of Kent Station making some more pictures and videos. Then at about 7:00, we were all going to say our goodbyes to each other and go to our warm homes. As we were waiting at the bus stop, my other adiing, just hooked up wit my new kuya in law. So, they hooked up at this date, at 7:18PM. It was so awesome. I was there when the magic happened. Whew, I'm just so happy because they are happy. We all then just waited for our parents to pick us up and go home. That was our little party before the weekend. It was very fun and hope to do it again soon.
That was pretty much my weekend. Saturday and Sunday was just restful days and homework done. Thank yous for reading,
Monday, December 1, 2008
Cyber Monday!!!
Hello to all blog readers. Everybody should know what today is and if you don't know, I will explain.
Today is Cyber Monday. It's a day when you do online shopping and it's like discount galore for it. It was finalized in the year 2005 and has been going well ever since.
I really don't have any experience in online shopping. I really don't know how to do all that. LOL(: All though, it maybe a very good source to use for shopping.
Thank yous(:
Luuseeh Ceeh
Today is Cyber Monday. It's a day when you do online shopping and it's like discount galore for it. It was finalized in the year 2005 and has been going well ever since.
I really don't have any experience in online shopping. I really don't know how to do all that. LOL(: All though, it maybe a very good source to use for shopping.
Thank yous(:
Luuseeh Ceeh
Friday, November 21, 2008
Has your Eye ever twitched???
What I'm going to share may amaze you or maybe boring to you. Just answer the question. Has your Eye ever twitched??? Mine has this whole day. And I don't know why. Just right under my left eye, it would twitch none stop. "Is cause I have a cold? Is it just cause?" But I found out what the problem was.
Yesterday was an Election at my school and for president, My best friend, Maria went for it. So in my advisory class, we watched the speeches of who to vote for. It was her and this other guy named Ronnie Jr. going for President. So, it was Ronnie Jr.'s turn for speeches. His was not even all that good. I barely even understood what he said. It was just basic stuff like "I would make this a better enviroment for our students" and other stuff. But then it was Maria's turn. Her speech was very well done and it was so true to what she said. Then her last line of her speech touched me..."DON'T VOTE ON THE PERSON YOU KNOW, VOTE FOR THE PERSON YOU KNOW THAT'S GOING TO HELP OUR STUDENTS AND MAKE THIS A BETTER PLACE". Just hearing that, my eyes were like watery. (: and of course you know who I'm going to vote for.
So Today, was the day of the result of the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. It was all good until it was mentioned of who was the President. "AND THE PRESIDENT OF 2008-2009 IS... RONNIE JR." =0 STOP!!!!
I was walking to my class and when I heard that I just stopped and busted out crying. Thank goodness no one saw me. I wouldn't know what to say. It was just heart breaking for me. I know it would've been worst for her. But like, I never felt that way before towards a friend. I was just so mad and sad and I don't know. I just couldn't believe it. It was over.
So how does this pretain to the Eye twitching thing? Well this whole day my left eye was twitching on the bottom. Then I got home and asked my mom if her any of her eyes twitched. And she said yeah but on the top of hers and she says that if it twitches on the top, it means that your happy. But on the bottom, it means your sad.
So yeah, I've been sad this whole day even though I try to put a smile on my face and it's because I cared so much for Maria. After the whole situation, I went to her and I gave her the longest hug I've ever gave to anybody and told her everything.
It's still twitching while I'm typing. It's just weird and creepy. What's weird is that it twitched way before this happened and tried my best to have it stop, but it never stopped. So I guess I'm still sad about it and I am and I still want her to win. I really believed in her and I will never stop believing in her no matter what.
So If your eye ever twitches, make sure it's the top. ALWAYS ON TOP.(:
I hope my eye stop twitching ever today. THANKS FOR READING<3
Yesterday was an Election at my school and for president, My best friend, Maria went for it. So in my advisory class, we watched the speeches of who to vote for. It was her and this other guy named Ronnie Jr. going for President. So, it was Ronnie Jr.'s turn for speeches. His was not even all that good. I barely even understood what he said. It was just basic stuff like "I would make this a better enviroment for our students" and other stuff. But then it was Maria's turn. Her speech was very well done and it was so true to what she said. Then her last line of her speech touched me..."DON'T VOTE ON THE PERSON YOU KNOW, VOTE FOR THE PERSON YOU KNOW THAT'S GOING TO HELP OUR STUDENTS AND MAKE THIS A BETTER PLACE". Just hearing that, my eyes were like watery. (: and of course you know who I'm going to vote for.
So Today, was the day of the result of the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. It was all good until it was mentioned of who was the President. "AND THE PRESIDENT OF 2008-2009 IS... RONNIE JR." =0 STOP!!!!
I was walking to my class and when I heard that I just stopped and busted out crying. Thank goodness no one saw me. I wouldn't know what to say. It was just heart breaking for me. I know it would've been worst for her. But like, I never felt that way before towards a friend. I was just so mad and sad and I don't know. I just couldn't believe it. It was over.
So how does this pretain to the Eye twitching thing? Well this whole day my left eye was twitching on the bottom. Then I got home and asked my mom if her any of her eyes twitched. And she said yeah but on the top of hers and she says that if it twitches on the top, it means that your happy. But on the bottom, it means your sad.
So yeah, I've been sad this whole day even though I try to put a smile on my face and it's because I cared so much for Maria. After the whole situation, I went to her and I gave her the longest hug I've ever gave to anybody and told her everything.
It's still twitching while I'm typing. It's just weird and creepy. What's weird is that it twitched way before this happened and tried my best to have it stop, but it never stopped. So I guess I'm still sad about it and I am and I still want her to win. I really believed in her and I will never stop believing in her no matter what.
So If your eye ever twitches, make sure it's the top. ALWAYS ON TOP.(:
I hope my eye stop twitching ever today. THANKS FOR READING<3
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Just another School Day<3
Today was all good at school. Everything was cool. Going to school is a very big impact in my life. It's the place where we find and meet people that we never knew or people that we've known before. School is a place where I feel safe in and it's a place that I never have doubts in. Yes it's a place where you are supposed to learn and get good grades. Though, we must not take our education too lightly. It's the most important thing that we have in our lives that we use. There are so many kids out there that doesn't have this where they are at and we are so lucky. This is so cool. I love School. Thanks for reading:)
Saturday, November 15, 2008
I guess there can be true love for everybody. But I really don't faith in that. I have no true love for myself to tell you the truth. Liking someone or having a crush doesn't really do anything. I know Love is like the number one emotion and I guess its good for everybody else, but for me, there's nothing. Saying "I LOVE YOU" is easy, but showing it is something else. I know I said that I give it. But I want to do more with it. And what I mean is that I want that someone to share it with me. But, I guess it's not possible. I feel I have the resposibility to be in a real relationship. I never had a real relationship and I guess it will never happen for me. I would like to find someone that has the same passion in love like I do. Everybody says that it's going to happen, but I don't believe it. I want to though. I really do. But it's just hard. But I don't know. I do give my all when I say I love somebody and I want that at least last for the one person. But what am I going to say? I doubt it's ever going to happen. I wish I had a magic Genie in a bottle that would give me unlimited wishes. What would I wish for??? Wealth? Clothes? Shoes? Be a singer? The only thing I would want is TRUE LOVE... Only if it would ever happen for real. "Just keep dreaming" I tell myself. But my friends tell me totally opposite. I don't know who to really believe anymore. Why do I feel like this? Who is this reflection I see? Me or the guy that I think I love??? These are the things that I thing about and Cry myself to sleep every night and day.
I'm sorry if I troubled anybody who reads this. These are things that are in my mind and if you can help me get out of this mess, then please write me something or just what you think. Anything may help.
I am very sorry... I really hope this doesn't happen again):
I'm sorry if I troubled anybody who reads this. These are things that are in my mind and if you can help me get out of this mess, then please write me something or just what you think. Anything may help.
I am very sorry... I really hope this doesn't happen again):
Thursday, November 13, 2008
To Kill a Mockingbird
To Kill a Mockingbird was the greatest book that I ever read and finished. I never really finished a book that I truly understood about. I'm not really interested in reading and in school, we all read it for about 5 weeks. And to be honest I would've been still on the 2nd chapter at this point.
I don't really have commitment to a book. Until, I actually read this book. I am a very visual person. Sometimes just talking to me about an event or what happens in the book, I would love it. But for me to do it myself, it's a whole other story. Though after this book, I hope to improve my reading and hope to love more than one book in my life because so far, this book is like the best. It got me to the point to where I was litteraly yelling to it. It was a weird thing for me because I would just be mad to the villian in the book and then like throw the book to the ground and be mad for the rest of the day.
But, I guess it's the beauty of reading. I really liked it and it was a great experience. I hope to read another book that's just as good as this one.
Well that's whats good in my life so far<3 And yeah
I don't really have commitment to a book. Until, I actually read this book. I am a very visual person. Sometimes just talking to me about an event or what happens in the book, I would love it. But for me to do it myself, it's a whole other story. Though after this book, I hope to improve my reading and hope to love more than one book in my life because so far, this book is like the best. It got me to the point to where I was litteraly yelling to it. It was a weird thing for me because I would just be mad to the villian in the book and then like throw the book to the ground and be mad for the rest of the day.
But, I guess it's the beauty of reading. I really liked it and it was a great experience. I hope to read another book that's just as good as this one.
Well that's whats good in my life so far<3 And yeah
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
A very Sick Day!!!
OMG!!! I really don't like missing school right now. I'm at home just talking to peoples from everywhere that I know of. I'm just in huge pain right now and I don't know how to cure it. So I guess I have to live with it. I just don't like being home alone and have to like just sit around and do nothing. But anyways, it's all good. Today is just not the day I guess. Even for everybody today. Okay. Gots to go.
Lucylala CEE[:
Lucylala CEE[:
Monday, November 3, 2008
PHOENIX CONTRERAS(R.I.P<3) 11/03/74-11/04/74)=
Hah, well today is my Older brother's birthday. God rest his soul. I really don't know him. He is the oldest child in this family and was just his birth was the hardest to hold. It was either him or my mom to live. But, either way he died anyway. Even though I don't even know the guy, he's still always in my heart. I heard that he looked like my mom mostly. He was a cutie my mom said. It's just sad about how he's gone and we barely even know him. Though I know he's in a better place... LOVE YOU ALWAYS BRO...(: Well, everything is all good. Everybody's still happy and everything is well. I LOVE IT... okays thats it. LOVE ALWAYS AND FOREVER<3
Saturday, November 1, 2008
November is the time of harvest. It's when everything comes together for a whole new year. Instead of December, November is the busy month for thanksgiving. Sometimes we forget the things we're thankful for. So, thanksgiving isn't always about the food or just not having school, it's just what's inside you that makes Thanksgiving the best holiday.
I think Thanksgiving is the best Holiday because it's when everybody comes together as one and we just all share and fellowship with each other of what we are thankful for and just the time of family and friends. We shouldn't take Thanksgiving lightly because it's very important to let everybody know that you are thankful for that specific person and just to show all the love...
So, Happy November and make it the Best<3
Lucylala (:
I think Thanksgiving is the best Holiday because it's when everybody comes together as one and we just all share and fellowship with each other of what we are thankful for and just the time of family and friends. We shouldn't take Thanksgiving lightly because it's very important to let everybody know that you are thankful for that specific person and just to show all the love...
So, Happy November and make it the Best<3
Lucylala (:
Friday, October 31, 2008
I would just like to take this time to tell people about MY DAD.
My daddy is the coolest guy in my life. Everybody has different perspectives about their dad's. For me, I have the greatest Dad of all. He was a very hard worker and never gives up on his kids. Especially me. I'm the youngest out of 4 children from my Mom. I have 5 half siblings. They are the oldest children in this family. As you can see we have a big family. Even when all of us have troubles and we some how be troubled to each other, our Dad was the person who kept us all together. My dad is still the rock and the glue to our family till this day.
Even though he is 74 years young, he still has the strength and knowledge that he needs to live forever. He has been there since I was a baby and he's never going any where. He still be that kind of islander who gives his all to his family. He's a Retired Senior Ambassodor who is well respected and who will never turn you down. He also gives his best to do what he wants to do and he loves to make everybody happy. I think that he can beat any superhero out there that tries to save anybody. He's also a great encourager. He gives words of knowledge everyday to me and my siblings. He's a very humble person and is a very cool person to hang out with.
So, that's my daddyyee... He's a very important person in my family and he's the kind of person that I want when I grow up. Thanks<3
My daddy is the coolest guy in my life. Everybody has different perspectives about their dad's. For me, I have the greatest Dad of all. He was a very hard worker and never gives up on his kids. Especially me. I'm the youngest out of 4 children from my Mom. I have 5 half siblings. They are the oldest children in this family. As you can see we have a big family. Even when all of us have troubles and we some how be troubled to each other, our Dad was the person who kept us all together. My dad is still the rock and the glue to our family till this day.
Even though he is 74 years young, he still has the strength and knowledge that he needs to live forever. He has been there since I was a baby and he's never going any where. He still be that kind of islander who gives his all to his family. He's a Retired Senior Ambassodor who is well respected and who will never turn you down. He also gives his best to do what he wants to do and he loves to make everybody happy. I think that he can beat any superhero out there that tries to save anybody. He's also a great encourager. He gives words of knowledge everyday to me and my siblings. He's a very humble person and is a very cool person to hang out with.
So, that's my daddyyee... He's a very important person in my family and he's the kind of person that I want when I grow up. Thanks<3
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I am the kind of person that gives love, not take it. Love is like the most important emotion of a human because we are all famous for it. Love is just, your partners or partner is very happy with you in their life and it's just the goodness of fellowship and relationship all in one family. It's very important to let them know of how much you love them. It can come with a card, a present, or maybe even with a hug and a kiss. They just need to know how much your love is to them.
In my experience, I've done everything. Though, all my love is only for my family and friends. They are all very important to me and they have the same feeling to me also. Love is everything to all of us. Though, there will be a time we may fight or not agree with each other. But, all of our love will never leave. It's still there and nothing will ever change our friendship, fellowship, and relationship. Sometimes we all have to understand that the love we want will not be what we get. So, we deal with it and make the best of it. THANKS YOUS(:
In my experience, I've done everything. Though, all my love is only for my family and friends. They are all very important to me and they have the same feeling to me also. Love is everything to all of us. Though, there will be a time we may fight or not agree with each other. But, all of our love will never leave. It's still there and nothing will ever change our friendship, fellowship, and relationship. Sometimes we all have to understand that the love we want will not be what we get. So, we deal with it and make the best of it. THANKS YOUS(:
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Nothing To Say(=
Well, there is nothing to say. This week is beginning well and everything is coming together. I've just been informed that the Seahawks won on Sunday. That's just shocking. Against "frisco"??? Oh well good job to them. I also heard about what happened to Jennifer Hudson and her nephew who is missing. That's really scary and very sad.
The news is very useful I learned. How cool is it? I never was really in to the news until I was actually forced to watch it and after a while, it's not all that bad. It's really cool. The Presidential Debate is like not the truth. It's like very hard who to choose to vote. Oh yeah, how about those two guys that was plotting to kill Obama and like other black peoples. That's just absurd of all the rasicm that's still happening these days. It's just a waste of their time trying to do what they want to do.
But, it is a free world and freedom of speech. So, there's really no say. Awww, it's just very sad about everything that's happened and it's very scary. But, I'm just happy I don't have to deal with that. Don't worry, Be happy right???
Have A Wonderful Day!!!<3 Lucylala
The news is very useful I learned. How cool is it? I never was really in to the news until I was actually forced to watch it and after a while, it's not all that bad. It's really cool. The Presidential Debate is like not the truth. It's like very hard who to choose to vote. Oh yeah, how about those two guys that was plotting to kill Obama and like other black peoples. That's just absurd of all the rasicm that's still happening these days. It's just a waste of their time trying to do what they want to do.
But, it is a free world and freedom of speech. So, there's really no say. Awww, it's just very sad about everything that's happened and it's very scary. But, I'm just happy I don't have to deal with that. Don't worry, Be happy right???
Have A Wonderful Day!!!<3 Lucylala
Monday, October 27, 2008
What a day...
Today, everything was just fast. Everything was like come and go. There wasn't that much work done also because of all the commotion in some classes that I had. It wasn't all that but it was happy learning. Ummm, that's about it. Have A good day...
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
A very silent day...
Since January 22, 1973 over 48,000,000 babies have had their voices silenced through surgical abortion in this nation. Children in their mother's womb have been dehumanized. Over 4,000 children have their leves taden each day in the name of choice. Over 4,000 women are emotionally damaged ever day. On October 21st, students from all over this nation will give up their voices for a day in solidarity for these children. Red armbandsand duct tape will identify them as taking part in the day of silence. They will carry fliers explaining why they are silent. ARE YOU WILLING TO GIVE UP YOUR VOICE FOR A DAY FOR THOSE WHO HAVE NO VOICE???
Why does this have to happen? I mean, it's totally not fair for kids to not have a voice and not to be able to speak. We shouldn't be that mean to others, especially to ourselves to do such thing.
Of course I would give up my voice for those children who doesn't. I don't want to have them carry that burden.We have to be more careful of what we take advantage and that we have to understand why we have the things we got and what to expect in the future. So, please cherish this note and have a heart and hope to give up your voice for a day. Just one day. For them, their whole life.
Thanks and have a nice day!!!!(:
Why does this have to happen? I mean, it's totally not fair for kids to not have a voice and not to be able to speak. We shouldn't be that mean to others, especially to ourselves to do such thing.
Of course I would give up my voice for those children who doesn't. I don't want to have them carry that burden.We have to be more careful of what we take advantage and that we have to understand why we have the things we got and what to expect in the future. So, please cherish this note and have a heart and hope to give up your voice for a day. Just one day. For them, their whole life.
Thanks and have a nice day!!!!(:
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Happy Birthday to meeh!!!
Wow, this weekend has been a trip. First, yesterday was my birthday and had like a mini party at family fun center and was just there to hang out and play games. It was so fun and crazy. I guess it was everything I wanted. Even though I didn't get any presents or get what I wanted, but I'm still happy 0f what I have and that's it. I am pretty old for getting presents and stuff. So everything is all good. I love what I have, MY FAMILY. That's all I want in my life and I cherish every minute I have with them. "So, be happy what you have. You really don't get everything that the world has. Just remember everything that you do and what you do with your family and friends." That's my quote for the day. Thank you and have a nice day.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Where's my Uncle???
Today was not cool when my uncle wasn't here. It was a very boring and Fun day. Yesterday was more Funner, if it's even a word. And I think I did everything. But, whatever. I think I'm done. Okay... PLEASE COME BACK UNCLE!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Today has been boring. I got a sprained knee and it's not that pleasing. IT HURTS!!!! lol Today was boring and I'm very dissappointed having this pain because I haven't been doing anything fun just sit around and watch TV and play video games. Hey, no joke. I love Video Games. You may call me a Tomboy, but it's all good. What I just played was The Lord of the Rings Two Towers. It was so awesome and boring at the same time. Oh yeah, it's not the coolest Saturday. Though, it has been peaceful without my big sister around being annoying. Umm, yeah, I'm the youngest, aren't I supposed to be annoying??? Crazy? I know HAHAHA!!!(= Well I guess that's about it. It has been nice chatting with you all, or, I guess, Me. LOL Thank You.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Whoa, this blogging stuff is wicked... HAHAHA, it's like a whole nother myspace but more educational. I guess. Well, beginning this blog was actually hard work. But, it was worth it. Ummm, that's pretty much it. Thanks for visiting and comment anytime. THANKS(: LUCYLALA CONTRERAS
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