What I'm going to share may amaze you or maybe boring to you. Just answer the question. Has your Eye ever twitched??? Mine has this whole day. And I don't know why. Just right under my left eye, it would twitch none stop. "Is cause I have a cold? Is it just cause?" But I found out what the problem was.
Yesterday was an Election at my school and for president, My best friend, Maria went for it. So in my advisory class, we watched the speeches of who to vote for. It was her and this other guy named Ronnie Jr. going for President. So, it was Ronnie Jr.'s turn for speeches. His was not even all that good. I barely even understood what he said. It was just basic stuff like "I would make this a better enviroment for our students" and other stuff. But then it was Maria's turn. Her speech was very well done and it was so true to what she said. Then her last line of her speech touched me..."DON'T VOTE ON THE PERSON YOU KNOW, VOTE FOR THE PERSON YOU KNOW THAT'S GOING TO HELP OUR STUDENTS AND MAKE THIS A BETTER PLACE". Just hearing that, my eyes were like watery. (: and of course you know who I'm going to vote for.
So Today, was the day of the result of the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. It was all good until it was mentioned of who was the President. "AND THE PRESIDENT OF 2008-2009 IS... RONNIE JR." =0 STOP!!!!
I was walking to my class and when I heard that I just stopped and busted out crying. Thank goodness no one saw me. I wouldn't know what to say. It was just heart breaking for me. I know it would've been worst for her. But like, I never felt that way before towards a friend. I was just so mad and sad and I don't know. I just couldn't believe it. It was over.
So how does this pretain to the Eye twitching thing? Well this whole day my left eye was twitching on the bottom. Then I got home and asked my mom if her any of her eyes twitched. And she said yeah but on the top of hers and she says that if it twitches on the top, it means that your happy. But on the bottom, it means your sad.
So yeah, I've been sad this whole day even though I try to put a smile on my face and it's because I cared so much for Maria. After the whole situation, I went to her and I gave her the longest hug I've ever gave to anybody and told her everything.
It's still twitching while I'm typing. It's just weird and creepy. What's weird is that it twitched way before this happened and tried my best to have it stop, but it never stopped. So I guess I'm still sad about it and I am and I still want her to win. I really believed in her and I will never stop believing in her no matter what.
So If your eye ever twitches, make sure it's the top. ALWAYS ON TOP.(:
I hope my eye stop twitching ever today. THANKS FOR READING<3
About Me

- Helllooo[: Well, first my name is Lucy Mahalkita Contreras... I am just another person in america just going through life and love to just hang out. Soo yeah<333 Thanks and have a nice day<333