Dude, I don't know what I would do without Music. I think that without it, I wouldn't be where I am at now. I mean, I go to church every Sunday and we have a worship singing team that leads the worship and stuff. It's rarely that anybody is picked to take that kind of commitment, and just to do it because you know how to sing. Well, I was chosen to sing in it. I started singing into the team when I was 11. Very young, I know. It was weird at first because, I was so used to singing for fun and just to do it because I was bored. But, singing for a an actual reason is something else. I know it's not what I asked for, but in my faith, I learned that we all have a will that we need to fulfill for God's glory. That's the reason we are all still living. Until you do what God wants you to do, You have to stay truly faithful in him and believe that he will get you through it. Starting out in the team, I knew I was going to get lectures and people talking to me left and right about how to live my life and how that what I'm doing is not invain.
Some negative stuff happens too. A lot of teens and even young adults some how gets troubled that this little girl is in the team. There are still people like that till this day. I was sometimes mocked and actually made fun of because of being in the singing team. I used to cry everyday and night from 3rd grade till 5th. I was a very emotional person. I didn't want it to happen anymore, I just wanted everybody to just be quiet and mind their own business. Even our leader thought that I wasn't good enough to be in the team, just because I was still going to school, and I was just too young. I couldn't believe it.
One time, during one practice, our team leader had one of the alto's to sing a solo. She took so long to sing it, and I was just kind of getting curious and wanted to try so I just busted out with the solo. Everybody was just looking at me with shock, though, while I was singing, my team leader was just yelling at the alto to sing it. She didn't say that she didn't want me to sing it, she just kept on scolding the poor old alto... Hahaha :) It was kind of funny. But, ever since that night, we never sang the song ever again. I thought I did well, though it was enmity that she had towards me. I cried that night because of just how cruel she looked and sounded. I never knew how I was going to survive in the singing team because I am so young and I really have no say because Samoans, they just want you to listen. No say, no nothing. Hahaha;; Fob... But yeah, It was really hard.
But, I was taught to keep on going. Don't worry or don't think about those people. They can talk all they want, try evertime to put you down. But, you are still standing, keep standing no matter what. And I prayed. I never hated them. Even though how mad I was, I wasn't mad at them, I was just mad at their actions. Just sometimes, I thought about why me? Why do I have this kind of talent and yet, I get destroyed by words and looks? I used to think about a lot of negative things and wished to get out of the singing team. But, I was just thinking that without me, I don't think that won't ever sound the same. Also, I was thinking that it's not for the people. It's for my God and no one else. So with my mentality set on that throughout my elementary years and middle school year, and then now High School year, I'm still in the singing team and is singing like crazy and just being happy as ever. Hahaha [: I just thank all my family and especially the man above for being there for me and I'm still alive and still here [:
So yeah, That's just something I wanted to share.
Lucylala <3
About Me

- Helllooo[: Well, first my name is Lucy Mahalkita Contreras... I am just another person in america just going through life and love to just hang out. Soo yeah<333 Thanks and have a nice day<333