I know it may be weird to ask a question like that, but that's something that I want to talk about. You know, growing up for me, everything was always, school, school, school. Everyday, then you come home, do "homework", go eat, sleep, and then start a whole new day, doing the same thing. And to be honest, I think that's what happening right now with me. I learned that education is a very important element in our lives right now, and without it, we would not succeed or not get what we want. And having all the disciplines, rules, and regulations all around us if we don't do our work or our behavior goes wack. Sometimes, I just sit in a classroom, and think about, 'Why Education?' I mean, must it be EVERYTHING? I also think of how, education is like another element in our lives is that if we don't got it, what kind of life do each of us have?
Education has been a big impact in different cultures too. In my culture, if you don't graduate the year that you were supposed to graduate, you will put a big an embarrasement towards your parents and family. Especially if you're the youngest. I don't want to sound vexed or recalcitrant or anything, but it just gives so much pressure on us students now days. We are all getting surrounded by new and approved things around us. We have all these stuff, we use them, but now properly or not using them to our advantage. You know, I was told that we have to be careful on what we do toward our elders and old people when we try to feel all bad and think that we can do anything by ourselves. But, when I hear that, I think, Why can't they hear on what WE have to say. Yeah, we are young, and we may not think that's right, but, to be a better person, even though you maybe old or not, you have to learn to understand before being understood.
As it goes for Education, we all have different ways to learn and educate our ownselves. Yeah, it's going to be different, but, you may want to listen to the other side of the story. I may have said too much, but it's what I've had in my mind for a while, and just want all you blog readers to think sometimes of what you're doing.
Thanks <3
Lucyee Ceey <3
About Me

- Helllooo[: Well, first my name is Lucy Mahalkita Contreras... I am just another person in america just going through life and love to just hang out. Soo yeah<333 Thanks and have a nice day<333