Okay how long has it been since i been on here?
I don't even know, but mannn this was blogging at it's finest. Never would i have thought to be able to come on this blog site again. you been around since 2009... and well, it's 2019.
yeah, a lot has surely changed.
and yeah... A LOT ... has changed.
but nothing hasn't. and that was your endurance... to keep going. even when it hurts. and it hurts... BAD.
but how tf do i keep doin it? i have no clue...
idk how much my young self knew about her feelings or emotions, but nothing is the same.
and it's okay. very much so.
I love you though. you don't have to do much but just know that you're doing enough. and just know there is someone looking out for you. praying for you... maybe even thinking about you when He knows He's not supposed to :/ hahaha smh
anyways, ugh... i just hope you find peace... <3 nbsp="" p="">
geddit sis hehe. 3>
About Me

- Helllooo[: Well, first my name is Lucy Mahalkita Contreras... I am just another person in america just going through life and love to just hang out. Soo yeah<333 Thanks and have a nice day<333